Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Calm Before The Storm

Before I begin the story that literally changed our lives forever, I first must explain how we got to this day. Cheyenne has been playing softball since she was a young kid, and after developing a love for the game she started playing Select Softball in eighth grade. Since then it in many ways became our lives, we have traveled all over the state of Texas for games and practices, while fitting high school sports in along the way. Dad always played roadie and I was, of course, the number one cheerleader and bookkeeper. On those seemingly rare occasions when Chey wasn't on the field at tournaments, she was either studying or buying bows and t-shirts. Everyone knows after all, you can't play serious softball without your bow!!! We have hangers in every closet loaded with bows of every shape and size. (There is a very lucrative business for the super crafty at select tournaments, let me tell you!) But I will save that venture for another day, back to the story at hand which focuses on Chey’s high school ball. This was the place Cheyenne tried to bring the knowledge she learned from playing select ball, the place she tried to encourage her teammates to push themselves and improve their skills, the place to show what you are made of, but often, this was met with discord. This was her Senior Year high school ball, and the team had not been doing well.

Teenage females, you have to love them but sometimes you just want to strangle them. The girls used to be close, like two layers of paint close, but with those surging hormones and other outside influences, cracks in the paint began to form. It got to the point that they were often ready to kill one another, or totally ignoring each other all together. I had coached them when they were young, as had other parents. I tried to teach them fundamental softball while having fun and above all else to have each other's backs. For that reason, I cannot tell you how much it hurt to watch several of these talented kids not giving a damn about themselves or anyone else. They had no pride in what they were doing. It hurt to watch the ladies that did care, go out and give their all every single game, only to see balls go through others legs and watch team-mates stand at the plate and never swing the bat. It was heart wrenching!!

This lack of camaraderie was on display in full force this day, as the girls had just lost their first game of the day (after losing all of their games on the first day) of a pre-season tournament. I remember taking the girls aside between games (emotion got the best of me--grrr) and I told them they needed to get it together and figure out what they wanted from this sport. We, the parents, had laid the foundation for them to have stellar high school careers. We had taken off from work to support them and get them to practices. We gave up our time for them to make them successful, but they had to do the work-it was entirely up to them. I told them, with tears in my eyes, "If you don't give a crap, hang it up and go home." The whole time, I was fighting back tears of frustration, and I saw those baby blues of Chey's shooting daggers through my soul, telling me to shush. Oh, she was soooo mad at me!! The last thing I said to them was that I loved each and every one of them and that fact would never change, or so I thought. With that they soon took the field and I snuggled into the stands on a chilly day inside my trademark sleeping bag with all the other parents, while my husband was standing along the fence camera in hand. Little did we know this was the game that would change our lives forever.

More to come.

XOXO Make Everyday Count,

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Welcome to BonSanity!

Hi everyone! My name is Bonnie Holt. I have been a nurse for twenty years, living in a small Texas town with my husband, son and daughter. After my daughter (a high school senior at the time) was diagnosed with cancer in March 2015, a very close friend said I should write about the experience. Now with a little distance, I will share our story with you and strive to give hope, a little understanding and maybe even a belly laugh along the way. But the truth is, this blog was being planned long before my daughter was diagnosed with cancer

Before our lives changed in such a drastic way giving this blog a new meaning, I was actually in the planning stages of starting a blog simply to share the insane fictitious stories that always find their way into my head. By fictitious stories, I mean ones that were, and still are, constantly coming to my head during my thirty-minute commute to and from work every day. As I drive, I see things along the way that trigger this brain into hyper drive! It always starts as a normal drive. I will see the strings of Pampas Grass growing at the end of a long dirt road…..AND THEN BAM!!! A kid will be running out into the road, scared half to death. I, of course, nearly hit him so I jump out and go around to check on him and CRAP, he's got a gun. Then the next thing you know, someone else starts shooting at us from down the road....the chase is on.....and the story grows and grows. It’s like that tiny piece of liver getting bigger and bigger as you chew it (c'mon you people that can't stomach this wonder food, know exactly what I'm talking about.) I can't sleep, I think about it constantly. I see them like movies playing in my head. It’s been that way a long time, reels and reels of movies playing through my mind. I even used to tell my children some of these stories at bedtime, but as you can see not all were age-appropriate and they needed a voice!

Outside of these epic melodramas taking place inside my head, my life was fairly ‘inside-the-box.’ By that I mean I went to work, ran after my kids (fighting for justice as all mothers do) and that was about it. So a couple of years ago when my oldest was in college and youngest in high school (that is enough blog fodder in itself!), I thought to myself now would be the time to get all these crazy stories out of my head and start a blog!

With tons of help from a very gifted writer, tech savvy Texas Tech Red Raider (who just happens to know more about sports than any man I've ever met), Shelby Hilliard, (check out her stuff at / we started the process. And of course as life would have it, just as we were ready to launch this sure to be epic train wreck (in the best way possible) of a blog about all of the above…. We got the news that my daughter had CANCER – and just as our lives took new shape so has this blog. So hang on tight and be prepared for a little bit of everything as I take you through the insanity that is my life, post by post.

XOXO Make Everyday Count,