Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Home Again, Home Again Jiggity Jig

Well, it sure seems like time just flies right on by and doing this blog gives it a tailwind! I guess that means we are having fun OR I'm getting old...no need for feedback on that one.

On to our story. I have been sharing the journey we have been on since our teenage daughter was diagnosed with PTH (papillary thyroid cancer) inadvertently, after a neck injury while playing softball. At this point in the story, Cheyenne's tumor had been removed, along with her entire thyroid and a lymph node, on Good Friday 2015. We had returned home jiggity jog and we were all exhausted.

With the holiday just having passed, I would like to take a minute, again, to thank those people that helped us be able to concentrate solely on Cheyenne and not the finances. Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. David Conner, owners Dublin Golden Chick and all patrons that participated in their fundraiser. Thanks to Papa, Granny and Double N Cowboy Church for the yard sale fundraiser. Thanks to Jeanette Luckie and all my co-workers at CCMC for the lunch fundraiser. Thanks to Missy Taylor and KB Enterprises for the lunch fundraiser and to all those who donated to Chey's medical fund at Dublin National Bank. We will always hold ya'll dear to our hearts.

Even with insurance, there is always the deductible, co-pays and out of pocket expenses that have to be met annually. You add in the cost of transportation, housing and food and it doesn't take long to drain a savings account, IF you are even lucky to have one in the first place. I count our blessings every day for both Ed and I having good jobs and the help we received. We consider ourselves very lucky.

Some families, like Luke Nelson's in Stephenville, have absolutely unimaginable cost for the treatment of their child's cancer. In Luke's case, it's Neuroblastoma. He has undergone so many tests, procedures, bone marrow aspiration, months of antibody treatment, feeding tubes, morphine drips (because the pain is too much for this 4 year old to handle), in-patient stays, cost of meds for the treatments and not to mention his parents time from work and travel costs. I cannot fathom how they stay as positive as they do...Mia does an amazing job!!

Anyway, we have been very blessed,  and I want to give a little plug for them. Luke lives in the community over from us and they have a GoFundMe account set up to help with expenses www.gofundme.com/lukenelson. If you feel the need and have the ability, I am sure they could use some help...

Coming up next time:

We knew the next few weeks would be trying, we just didn't know how bad they were going to turn out....

XXOO Make Everyday Count (Happy Easter)


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