Thursday, May 18, 2017

From Bad to Worse...

Well, here we meet again.

The last couple of posts have been a bit off topic. I guess I have been avoiding reliving horrible memories, but here goes anyway. We were very blessed that Cheyenne had made it through her surgery! We were also blessed that the surgeon didn't think the cancer had metastasized (spread to other areas in her body) and we were home!

Cheyenne had been injured in a softball game sliding into second base in March of 2015. From a CT scan in the ER, a nodule was found on her thyroid that eventually was biopsied as Papillary Thyroid Cancer. This has been our story....

On April 7, 2015 Cheyenne returned to school, a mere four days post-op, after complete thyroid removal. She was determined to make it as always and she did. She even went to support her teammates at their softball game (which they won) and readied herself for FFA dairy judging the next day. She accomplished that also! It took her sitting in a lawn chair at each area, but she did it. She was exhausted both physically and mentally, and cratered if she sat for more than a minute or two. Most people don't understand how much your thyroid affects your overall health until they experience it. Many people experience feeling colder, being fatigued and suffer from forgetfulness and depression. So, besides just having a major surgery, Chey was having many of these symptoms. Regardless, she kept on plugging along doing the best she could before all hell broke loose on the 9th.

We had been in an ongoing grievance process with Chey's school district since her sophomore year. We had followed the procedure to the "T" as outlined in the policy, yet, the school had refused to hear the merits of our case. Instead, they had stated we filed untimely. Ultimately, after going in front of the school board and losing that Level III appeal-by a 4 to 3 vote, we appealed to the Commissioner of Education, Michael Williams, and on January 16, 2015 he released the decision.

His decision was in a multi-page document, stating "After due consideration of the record, matters officially noticed, and the foregoing Findings of Fact, in my capacity as Commissioner of Education, I make the following Conclusions of Law:

1. The Commissioner of Education has jurisdiction over this cause under Texas Education Code section 7.057(a)(2)(A).

2. Respondent (DISD) cannot reasonably interpret its grievance policy to require Petitioner (Holts) to file a grievance within 15 days of not receiving a report card, when Respondent's teacher told Petitioner that the report card was delayed to add extra credit.

3. An informal grievance policy that encourages a student or parent to meet first with a teacher, principal, or other campus administrator to discuss the problem tolls the timeline for filing a formal grievance until the conclusion of the informal grievance process.

4. Petitioner engaged in the informal grievance process under Respondent's local policy and timely filed a formal grievance within 15 days after the conclusion of the informal grievance process.

5. Petitioner has pled a viable claim that Respondent has failed to adopt or implement policies that meet the requirements of Texas Education Code section 28.022.

6. Petitioner's appeal should be GRANTED, and the case should be REMANDED to Respondent for further grievance proceedings on the merits of Petitioner's claim."

As of April 9, 2015 (and today) the district had not granted that hearing. So we filed for a temporary injunction to prevent the school from calculating and issuing class rankings until a fair hearing was held, as ordered by the Commissioner. We had tried for two long years to work with the school and their policy and felt they had drug their feet hoping Chey would graduate and it would all go away. The hearing was scheduled for Monday April 13, 2015.

This information was included in an article on "Holt Family Takes Dublin ISD to 266th District Court in Erath County." The article also stated that the DISD had filed documents in Travis County "because they say the first grievance hearing was held on the student's merits and the grades, not on timeliness." (If you read the transcripts, the school's lawyers clearly and repeatedly remind everyone present that the hearing is strictly on "timeliness" not merit or grades.)

Anyway, Chey had been bullied and ostracized since early on. Many kids said to her and us also that we were "suing the school." We were not, we were following the grievance policy the district had established. Chey often sat alone and the bullying was both in person and online. Of course nothing was ever done. I even had the AD tell me it was my fault because I "put a target on her back."  Unbelievable response!!

When we found out Chey had cancer, I kept thinking, 'Maybe, they will show some compassion and finally do the right thing, have the hearing and put this behind us all.' Some of the kids attitudes had softened, a bit, since her diagnosis, I hoped the adults had too. Boy was I wrong! When the article posted, the few that had thawed were back with claws out. You know how a wild animal reacts when it smells blood? They attack. That's what happened with Chey. Even though the merit had not been addressed and people did not know the story, they judged her as guilty. Sadly, complete strangers seemed to have an easier time, at least, giving her the benefit of the doubt.

I think there is a mob mentality in many small towns and when the school is the biggest employer, it is even worse. I think people are often fearful of retaliation. No one likes to talk about it, but we all know it happens. Our lawyer, told us not to read the comments but how can you not? Thank goodness Chey was too tired to bother, but I had to read them--well at least in the beginning that is.

I was amazed at how people, totally removed from the situation, basically crucified my child, while knowing she had been diagnosed with cancer, no less. They had no idea at all as to what had happened and yet their comments were horrible! I was also amazed and ashamed for those that were acting like our friends to not have the backbone to be upfront. Instead, they would go in and "like" the horrible comments while telling us how much they support us. We are including preachers and teachers in that lot. Boy did it open my eyes to the callousness of others. Having said that, there were a few brave enough to openly support us and we will forever be grateful.  (Love ya, Jim, Carol, Rachel and the work bunches) 

The adults have no excuse, period, and I realize that kids are as fickle as the Texas weather so I could cut them a little slack, but only a little. It didn't seem to matter to any of them that Cheyenne had taken and passed, a polygraph in regard to the issue at hand. When you are a follower, you just jump on the bandwagon because you cannot think for yourself or lead on your own-that is just a fact of life. Very sad, but very true. I guess it is how they try and make up for not having the gifts others do and the drive to succeed. To this day though, I really wonder where their compassion is, if they even have some. I eventually stopped reading the comments and have learned people are basically mean and most are two-faced. Their lives are governed by trying to do more than the Jones' and trying to avoid their own shortcomings and failures by attacking others.

I am also amazed, that my beautiful daughter can still be civil to these heathens. She waits on them at her job and is always as polite to them as she is to any other customer. That to me speaks volumes to the kind of person she is, it is very, very hard for me though. My kids will be better than their momma.

I have said multiple times I am certainly not the best Christian, but I am always up front with everyone. You get what you see and I will tell you my opinion to your face. I am not one to wear one shirt inside the church doors and another when outside those doors. It upsets some, but it is what it is. The way Chey was treated at school is a big part of our story so it will be included in that context. I do not say much about it anymore as we are just in a waiting game, (they usually tell their lawyer when I do and then they call my lawyer.)  Eventually, we will either have a date set in Travis County or we won't, it's that simple.

Chey slept an enormous amount over the weekend. More so than just the thyroid, she was coming down with something to boot. It was par for the course, though, with court bright and early Monday morning.

Next time, Alice and the Queen of Hearts,

XXOO Make Everyday Count,


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